While Excel is a powerful and versatile tool for data analysis and management, there are several limitations to its use:
Limited data capacity: Excel has a limited data capacity, which can make it challenging to work with large data sets. As the amount of data in an Excel file grows, it can become slow and unwieldy, and may even crash or become unstable.
Limited collaboration features: While Excel does offer some collaboration features, such as track changes and sharing, they are not as robust as those found in dedicated collaboration tools. This can make it difficult for multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously or share data across different departments or teams.
Limited automation capabilities: Excel can be used for simple automation tasks, such as calculations and formulas, but it lacks the advanced automation features found in dedicated automation software. This can make it challenging to automate more complex workflows and processes.
Lack of centralized data management: Excel files are typically stored locally on individual computers, which can make it challenging to manage and control access to data. This can lead to version control issues, data duplication, and security risks.
Vulnerability to errors: Excel is prone to errors, particularly when working with large and complex data sets. This can lead to inaccurate results and decisions based on faulty data.
Overall, while Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and management, it is not designed to handle all of the complex tasks and workflows that organizations require. Dedicated automation and collaboration tools, as well as centralized data management systems, can help overcome these limitations and improve overall efficiency and accuracy.
We build every office automation system from the ground up.  We do not use open source distribution and modify it to meet the needs of our clients.  Every office automation system built by us is different from company to company, as every company even in the same category does its business operations differently
Every business has specific set of processes within its daily operations.  We build systems to automate these daily operations, therefore large corporates may have hundreds of different set of operations while some small startups may have fewer.  Depending on the tasks a company handles daily, the office automation system development may take from two months to a year may be more in some edge cases.  It shall be noted here that, most website development businesses take more than three months to finish building websites properly, here we build regular websites in a matter of days.  We work fast and we will impress you, but office automation system is more than a website, it is your whole office with all its operations and more, synergize and served to you on a single screen.
Sure, since all the work is done by us, once the office automation system is built for you, we will add new features to your system as per your new requirement.  All future upgrades will have additional hours of development which will be billable to you.
The office automation system may be built as one off payment or subscription based.  You have the option to choose which ever one suits your needs.  If you choose the subscription route, we will handle data backup and maintenance regularly.  If you choose the one off payment route the maintenance will be handled separately by your own team or by us as per your request.  In any case help desk support will be available any time you should need assistance navigating the system.
since all the operations are coded in your office automation system, giving the system access to your new facility will be handled very quickly.
For a cloud deployed office automation system, there will be no installation on your side to use the system, as the system is deployed on the cloud by us on one of our servers, you can access the office automation system right from where you are.  If you choose on premise deployment of the office automation system, we will include all the cost of hardware acquisition for the deployment, at the start of the project, so that you have all the cost breakdown including software, hardware, and configuration cost for the local deployment. 
We have a live chat and phone call support ready to answer your question all day everyday.
The office system automation process will be initiated by you by a phone call, email, or messaging.  Once we analyze the requirements expected to be met by the new system, we we propose a solution and cost of development and deployment, with estimated time of delivery.
We develop fully custom solution for your needs.  We study your business scenario and develop a system fully addressing your needs and add additional incites to management which facilitate your vision statements.  We build the right software for your business operations.  This we eliminate onboarding time, new employees can comfortably work from day one of employment, and seasoned employees will have additional tools they didn't have which will give them additional motivation, when they have flawless work while having significantly less stress.  Management will have more time to spend on missions and visions of the company, overall you will have grater return on investment.
Every office automation system is different with respect to analysis, development and deployment.  We estimate the price on the complexity of the project.  The payment for the office automation system can be paid one off, in payment plan or monthly.  At the project proposal phase you will have the option to decide the best payment plan for your company.
As the office automation system will be developed specific to your company, you can stop the development process and be free of additional cost charge to you, if your company goes bankrupt or are deceased, otherwise the software agreement plan which will be provided to you at the project kick off will stand, and the procedures on how to stop the software development will be effective, for the unfortunate and unforeseen reason, you are unable to comply with the project contract.
We will provide an appropriate guarantees for all the systems we build, with respect to, quality of the product, timely delivery of the product, maintenance of the product and support and assistance whenever needed. 
If you choose the cloud deployed version of the office automation system, your data will have automatic data backup multiple times a day on many locations, therefore if data in one location got lost, the system will automatically fetch from other locations, without the need for manual intervention, but on the other hand if you choose the locally deployed version of the office automation, the backup will be stored on the premise of your choosing, and in the rare occasion of data loss, recovery will be performed manually from the on premise backup.  If you have sensitive data, the best option is to use the cloud hosted solution, which will guarantee your data to be much safer.  During the proposal of the project we will provide a recovery point objective addressing this issue.  Generally cloud based version will have automatic backup and recovery, while the on premise based version will have semi-manual backup and recovery.
All data accessed from the office automation system has to pass a security check before data is presented.  Employees will have credentials to access data at their clearance level.  Furthermore employees will be required to update their password every quarter.  All data on transit from and to the office system will pass through a firewall and get encrypted. 
Cloud based systems will have up to 99.7% uptime, we provide service level agreement stating how the system will survive downtime and procedures for recovery needs.  Locally deployed systems may have more uptime or less than 99.7% depending on the company’s security policy.  Some companies don't have a security policy in place, which frees employees to utilize the intranet and internet as they see fit.  This is a red flag, regarding an ideal security posture of a company or organization.  Companies aware of this vulnerability put in place security procedures and protocols for securing resources locally. This also insures the minimal threat on devices and servers.  As a result the local resources will have ideal security posture, enabling locally deployed system to operate optimally with higher server uptime, similar to cloud based solution.
If the company have existing system, all the data will be migrated automatically, without the need for manual work.  If the company has not yet digitized the data at hand, the digitization process will be handled separately.  This will be performed by your employees and we will provide the procedure for the digitization process.
We will provide any customization needs you may have as you business evolves.  The customization time required and the pricing along with it will depend of the new requirements.
Periodic updates of the system are handled as per the software agreement.  The upgrade wil be automatic for cloud based system where as locally based systems will need manual updates, which will be performed when the system is less utilized to minimize downtime.
We provide staff training at the deployment phase and we also have live support if any of your employees should need assistance.  Documentation will be provided along with the system.  Since the system will follow the regular workflow of your company, user onboarding time will be minimal.
Our cloud based system will scale up or down depending on your business performance needs.  For the locally deployed system, our software will also handle scalability automatically and the hardware requirement should grow with the business demand with respect to business growth.  We will provide a scalability guide line with the project document.
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