We gather documents and imagery for the project, and on parallel we prepare the layout theme, then the coding will be done and finally the site will be live.
If you have the necessary documents about your what your website is for and provide high quality images to go with it, the development should not take more than two weeks.
If you have no assets to bring to the development process, usually it will take two months to finish the site.  The logo design, imagery and content typing will incur price on the website project, therefore plan ahed for it when possible.
Website maintenance is included in the packages provided for the chosen option.  Update are commonly performed quarterly.  If you have specific needs we will meet your update regularity frequency request.
We will include basic data encryption which is close to military grade encryption , but if your site requires a higher security, we will provide you the high encryption you may need for sites handling bank transactions.  This service will be on a monthly subscription basis, but for normal website use, by default we will include lets encrypts SSL encryption, which every website development business must provide for its clients. 
All websites we build will have the necessary configurations needed by web crawlers.  Your site will be indexed on Google and Bing, which will make your site highly visible to the world.
If you need on demand update, we will be happy to update your site, usually in a matter of hours, depending on the volume and complexity of the update the time required may become longer.
As per your requirement, we will integrate your social media feeds right to your websit. 
We use best development practices which help reader of your site who use screen readers. 
We provide content creation for the website you have in mind.  You will have the opportunity to have interview session with us to gather key points about your website.  Once the website is live you have the option to go over it and request quick edits.
If you like to get the hosting and template design from us and want to write the content yourself, we will provide training on how to navigate the CMS you requested.
Yes we sell domain names and provide hosting plan with it.  If you prefer you can purchase your own domain and host your site with us.  We can also provide a backup plan for you dream site you build.
Depending on the nature of your websites content, image cashing and video cashing services will be offed by us.  We partner with content delivery network providers and your data will be served through the nearby server from your clients proximity, which makes the page load time much faster.
We will help our customers with any website assistance they may require and e-commerce sites are no different.  We will help setting up your Ecommerce site, and give you the proper introduction on how to present and sell your goods effectively.
If you already have a website and you need new look and feel with updated content, we will happily do it for you.
We have a daily backup for any site that needs it, but if your site requires a per minute backup, we will provide you with it and the disaster recovery plan will be included with the package you chose at the project kickoff.
We will provide analytical data right to you dashboard as per your request.
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